Potency as you lift at home, quickly and available methods

the man holding dumbbells

Even in our age of technology and the progress of many of the men have no time to deal with their health, and support it at the right level. Problems with the nutrition, constant Stress, bad ecology - not the best companion for a good potency. There are cases when the long-awaited intimacy appears suddenly - usually, before they had time to prepare. This Situation requires the most effective and fastest ways to increase Libido and erection quality to the maximum height for a minimum period of time.

You can increase the Libido in men

You have to understand that fatigue is not a possibility, the sexual hero - this also applies to Stress. You have to put in order, and if you have time, you should sleep. The Problem of poor recovery interferes with life a lot of people, but only 8-9 hours of normal sleep, all the correct. The main thing - do not overdo it: more than 9 hours of sleep will give the opposite effect.

Stress can greatly spoil the evening. This soothing drug, and even more antidepressants make you sluggish and slows down. To cope with Stress, the normal green tea costs a drink - perhaps the addition of chamomile, bergamot or mint. Also from nervousness Vitamin C – one-two tablets helps, and Stress release.

To recommend before Sex also:

  • To take a shower;
  • You can do simple exercises;
  • Do the warm-up and Stretching.

All of this provides the body for the physical stress and improve blood circulation.

Before sexual intercourse a sharp jerk General tone coffee. Caffeine is a strong stimulant of the Central nervous system, so a strong and hot coffee works as well as possible in this Situation. Do not forget about the strong tea with lots of lemon as well as dark chocolate. All of these wonderful products can work in your favor as tonifying the brain and give a boost of energy. In the case of alcohol it can only make matters worse.

How to increase potency in men folk medicine

We turn to the natural elements. We first consider the ones you can buy in the nearest pharmacy or on the market, and to brew and to drink:

  • Ginseng – this is a well-known plant in the world. Ginseng, are applied to roots of all diseases. From America to China, Ginseng uses and applies everywhere. Ginseng has a strong Stimulation of the whole organism, promotes stamina and General resistance is a natural and very powerful aphrodisiac.
  • Golden root (Rhodiola rosea) – has almost the same effect as Ginseng, but in Russia it grows much more and it is cheaper.
  • Epimedium (gorjanka) - in Chinese medicine it is the most important male stimulant. Improves the Stimulation of the Central nervous system, as well as the blood circulation in the small pelvis. Powerful aphrodisiac, and a Simulator of extended Sex, is endurance and strength. With regular intake, the size of the Penis increases.

You can make various preparations. The most important thing – to understand, to what chemicals your body responds well, which and it is best to take only natural products. In the case of natural products, no side effects, and transfer easier. The main thing - it is no intolerance to the components. Below the article are a few of our medications.

How to improve male potency in the home – bee products

Here we come to the tasty part of this article – products, the improvement of the potency. Honey - our all! In the case of the use of honey every day in General will be improved, and the Sex is longer and more happens.

Bee products for the improvement of the erection:

  • Honey and nuts for an hour before the sexual act enough to eat 2 tablespoons of honey with the addition of 3 walnuts. And you go to sexual exploits. These ingredients stimulate the body, give a lot of power, and improve the potency;
  • Perga contains a lot of protein and trace elements, improves the potency and works as a powerful aphrodisiac;
  • Royal jelly alleviates fatigue and Stress, gives courage and strong erections;
  • Drone homogenates (drone milk) – even stronger tones, and gives a great burst of joy, but also long-lasting erections.

This small, but very effective Gentleman Set you can buy almost anywhere and is inexpensive. Honey products in combination with herbal teas provide a comprehensive effect.

To increase exercise Libido quickly

Many physical exercises for potency aimed at increasing the blood circulation in the small pelvis. Basic exercises for the improvement of potency is:

  • Squats – strengthens the blood circulation in the small pelvis, let the tone of the blood vessels and the inguinal artery.
  • Kegel exercises two exercises, stimulating sexual function in men. You give the strongest and most sustainable of all of the exercises for potency. You pull the testicles up to the pubic bone, and then lower it slowly and calmly. Tighten the muscles of the perineum and pull your Anus inside, then again. These exercises are the Basis for the Stimulation of the sexual function in men. Daily 100-200 times. Kegel exercises strengthen the sex organ and increase its size.

Prevention of problems with potency

How about the feeling of being banal, but a healthy life works really. Regular walks in the fresh air, which with the movement, you keep in constant trot coming years. Any kind of activity that you can do, whether it's Hiking, or swim, run, and feel many start to help others, the tide of forces and vivacity, even without Stimulation.

To a good prevention of sexual dysfunction:

  1. Regular Sexual Life;
  2. The proper diet;
  3. To reset the excess weight;
  4. Eliminating the use of alcohol and Smoking;
  5. Regular checkups at the doctor.

Compliance with these recommendations will improve your life and give you the potency to old age.